Twin City Security Dallas

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Twin City Security is proud to be a leading contract security company in Texas, Colorado, Missouri, Kansas and Minnesota. Twin City Security has been providing excellence in the contract security industry for over 45 years. Since 1972, we have provided quality security programs and qualified personnel to meet the unique needs of each one of our clients. All of our Officers are licensed and bonded. We are members of the Better Business Bureau with and exceptional rating.

Twin City Security Dallas has been an expert in the security industry for over 40 years, yet still continues to be 100% owned and operated right here in the United States. We are licensed, bonded and conform to all regulations set forth by the Texas Department of Public Safety. We maintain full insurance coverage, workers compensation, general liability, excess liability, employee dishonesty coverage, and employee fidelity coverage.
8111 LBJ Freeway, Suite 970
Dallas, tx 75251
+ 1-9723851144
Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun 00:00 - 23:30

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Claimed: The company has claimed their profile on WOWPilot but has not verified.

Verified: The company has verified their Business Page .

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