Ramtown Carpet One Floor & Home

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Ramtown Carpet One was founded in 1996 by Marty Pelosi in the Ramtown section of Howell. Through a commitment to superior customer service, professional sales and design consultations, skilled installations and unparralled flooring options, the business outgrew the Ramtown location.

The store moved to the current location in Farmingdale which houses the commercial and residential division and features a showroom filled with samples of solid hardwood, engineered hardwood, ceramic and porcelain tiles for floors, walls and back-splashes, luxury vinyl tile and planks, sheet vinyl and laminates. A wide assortment of carpets, runners and area rugs are on display as well. The on-site warehouse enables Ramtown Carpet One to offer immediate delivery on in-stock carpets.

The professional sales team is certified in flooring consultation and design to help customers choose the best options to suit their lifestyles and budget. A "no pressure" store policy allows customers to shop and consider their choices with ease.

As a member of the Carpet One buying group, Ramtown's collective buying power enables them to offer vast savings on flooring with the exclusive Carpet One "Beautiful Guarantee......You will love the look of your new floor or we replace it FREE"
5012 Asbury Road
Farmingdale, NJ 07727
+ -7323789284
Social Media
Mon 10:00 - 17:00
10:00 - 20:00
Wed, Fri 10:00 - 17:00
Thu 10:00 - 20:00
Sat 10:00 - 16:00

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