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From 1959, the Esson family was running a very successful sporting supply and manufacturing company. They made goods such as tennis rackets, soccer nets, footballs, etc… for well-known household brands.

Then in 1968 their close-knit community suffered a terrible tragedy, good friends lost their little boy in a drowning incident during a family get together, everyone was poolside, but nobody noticed the small child fall in and his death was horrifyingly silent. Blair Esson – CEO of Katchakid, Inc. was shocked to think that he had been enjoying himself while the child was quietly slipping away. This accident and Blair’s own young children, gave him the impetus and determination to create a solution that would prevent other families from suffering this inconceivably, devastating blow. Blair used all of his expertise and knowledge from his background in sports equipment manufacturing and development into creating a swimming pool barrier that was aesthetic, easy to operate but at all times extremely efficient. In 1972, after many prototypes Blair Esson introduced to parents the original pool safety net. Over the past four decades the Katchakid Pool Safety Net has been re-evaluated, re-defined and modified to bring you today the very best in terms of child pool safety.

To the Esson family, pool safety is personal. Blair Esson continues his commitment to drowning prevention by serving as an advisor to legislative drowning prevention committees, charities and non-profit organisations. Blair also serves on the ASTM F15 technical subcommittee that has jurisdiction of adopted statewide pool safety codes and standards. Blair’s son, Brad, serves as Katchakid, Inc’s Director of Operations and the Esson grandchildren spend their summers as lifeguards and advocates of pool safety.
Katchakid, Inc. Corporate Office 1330 Sherwood Forest Drive Suite 301
Houston, tx 77043
+ 1-8885528242
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