Navigate Life Coach

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Navigate Life Coach is an organization run by Sarisha Naidoo, a UK life-style coach. The location of the institution is in Shelton Lane, London. The services rendered by the organization through video conferencing in the UK and Europe are life coach, life style coach, personal coach, self-improvement coach, corporate coach and career coach, etc. The aim of the institution is to help people finding the right path in their lives.
Highly trained is the coach who runs this institution. She is a certified Master Life Coach with accreditation in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) strategies and a Specialist and Mindfulness Coach in Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP).
She encourages people and business professionals to accomplish personal, professional goals and navigate the transition to overcome roadblocks. Her ability to interact with people makes them feel comfortable communicating and opening up their thoughts. Via her solution-oriented strategy. She is capable of helping people find their own responses and step on to greater success. She has worked with hundreds of people over the last couple of years to help them understand themselves.
Who should choose NavitageLifeCoach?
If you can’t understand why you’re unhappy or anxious.
If you are struggling with your relationships.
If you don’t have vision for success.
In personal and career growth, if you are struggling.
If you want your secret ability to be explored.
If, in your life, you want balance.
Someone struggling with the above issues and want to hire a personal life coach please contact at [email protected] and book a sessions here:
71-75 Shelton Street, London, WC2H 9JQ, United Kin, London London
United Kingdom
London, ENG WC2H 9JQ
+ 7918-237722

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