0800 Asbestos

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With over 25 years’ experience in the asbestos industry working with some of the largest property management and development companies in the UK, as well as the public sector, housing associations and large corporations. Our Lead Surveyor is one of the most qualified professionals in the industry. He is qualified to BOHS P402, P403 & P404 standards. Under his meticulous attention to detail, he undertakes regular audits to ensure all our surveyors comply with our stringent standards at all times and insists they have a minimum of 10 years’ experience and BOHS P402 certification. Our highly experienced surveyors have an average of 14.57 years’ experience each.

Greater Manchester, West Midlands, West Yorkshire, Hampshire, Kent, Essex, Lancashire, Merseyside, London, Leicester, Leeds, Coventry, Bradford, Nottingham, Derby, Portsmouth, Brighton, Bristol, Sussex, Middlesex, Sheffield, Hertfordshire, Buckinghamshire, Oxford, Ipswich, Norwich, Devon, Dorset, Cornwall, Cambridgeshire, Leicestershire, Northamptonshire, Somerset, Shropshire, Warwickshire, Bolton, Chelmsford, Southampton, Bexley, Canterbury, Blackpool, Archway, Reading, Preston

Service Hours:
Mon: Open 24 hours
Tue: Open 24 hours
Wed: Open 24 hours
Thu: Open 24 hours
Fri: Open 24 hours
Sat: Open 24 hours
Sun: Open 24 hours

Call us: 0800272378
Email us: [email protected]
Visit us: https://www.0800asbestos.com/
4th Floor, 169 Piccadilly, London, W1J 9EH
London, ENG W1J 9EH
+ -0800272378
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