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About Our Company –
We think you might like our grassroots story, how we started in the basement in 1975 and evolved to today’s city-block-sized building with global sales. Because we didn’t always offer CD and DVD duplication and replication services – well, let’s face it, those media forms weren’t even a twinkle in anyone’s eye in 1975. That’s when Jim started in his basement, back in the days of cassette tapes and rock n roll, garage bands and electric guitars. Jim built a recording studio in his basement for local bands, and then offered fast duplication services. Jim was known for turning a project around fast, getting the tapes into the bands’ hands in record still runs on those same principles of doing a great job and doing it fast. That’s our definition of running a smart business. Smart enough to know your needs, to stay on the cutting edge of media and print services for you. We’ll create your covers and company logos, print them up and get them in your hands now. Because that’s what you need.And we’re smart enough to offer high quality, affordable CDs, DVDs and Printed Blu ray discs so you keep coming back. We can provide CDs, DVDs, Blu-ray discs or Custom USB flash drive for your trade shows, as marketing tools for educational purposes, or as an affordable file for all your content. We work hard to know what you need and give you a competitively-priced one-stop shopping experience. You can find other bargain-basement services, but you won’t find them with our professional staff, exceptional quality products or fast turn time.All this means that for over 43 years we’ve been smart enough to know how to stay in business successfully. Our customer base says it all, ranging from individuals to large corporations. These days, with big conglomerates and tough economies, we think we’re doing pretty well for a grassroots family-owned operation.And here’s something that might surprise you: our full service video and audio capabilities will make your CD and DVD content come to life. Talk to one of our reps to find out more.We also guarantee the turn time we quote you on any project. That means we complete the job on time every time, no excuses. (Go ahead, ask our competitors if they guarantee theirs.) And we guarantee graphics and design proofs and our mastering work. Period.So when we design your graphics and artwork, print your covers and package your finished product for shipment, you will know you’re getting the best of 43 years of experience. From design to manufacturing and shipping, we do all our work to provide you a high quality, professional product. Now that’s smart business.
1515 Nicollet Ave. So, Minneapolis, MN
Minneapolis, MN 55403
+ -18008798273
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Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri 08:30 - 17:00

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