Superior Care

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Rooted in a strong tradition of love for pets and an insatiable quest for their well-being, Superior Care Pet has emerged as a globally recognized pet care provider. Originally a Lithuanian family enterprise established by Janita J. Plunge in 1991, the company's footprint has since expanded across more than 60 countries, reaching out to millions of pet owners and their furry friends.

The founder, Janita J. Plunge, brings to the table over 35 years of experience in dog breeding, granting Superior Care Pet an unparalleled depth of understanding of pets' needs. With this expertise, the company has engineered innovative products like Nature’s Protection and Tauro Pro Line, making their debut in the US market in 2021.

Superior Care Pet holds the health and happiness of pets at its core. The company prioritizes the use of natural ingredients in the manufacturing of its products, ensuring that each pet receives the nutrients it needs for a healthy life. Furthermore, the company is driven by a strong commitment to environmental sustainability, using green energy from its solar farm for operations.

The spirit of Superior Care Pet lies in its family-oriented ethos. Each member of the team, from the family to the experienced specialists, plays a crucial role in the pursuit of a shared mission: to make each pet’s life as healthy and happy as possible.

Reflecting the company's deep commitment to the welfare of pets, Superior Care Pet offers products and services of superior quality. The company stands at the forefront of the pet care industry, striving for sustainability, providing exceptional pet care, and promoting a world where every pet can thrive.
97-04 Queens Boulevard, New York, New York 11374, United States
New York, NY 11374
+ 1-9298103980
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Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun 09:00 - 17:00

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