Therapy Notes

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In 1998, Brad Pliner founded Pliner Solutions, Inc, an IT consulting firm that specializes in highly interactive websites and has worked with numerous clients in the healthcare industry. Dr. Debra Pliner, a licensed clinical psychologist, earned her Ph.D. from the California School of Professional Psychology at Alliant International University. After working for several years in private practice, Debra founded Pliner Psychological Associates, LLC, a group mental health practice which employs several psychologists.

Through their combined experiences, Debra and Brad recognized a need for storing therapy notes electronically so they are easy to access, secure, and well-organized. With his technical expertise, Brad worked with Debra to develop an electronic system for use in her mental health practice. After a couple of years using and enhancing the software, they decided to build a service that anyone could use. Using what was learned from this original software, the team rebuilt the application from the ground up and called it TherapyNotes™. officially launched in November of 2010 and was quickly embraced by those looking for a robust, secure, and streamlined way to manage their practice. TherapyNotes™ has since grown to become the market leader for behavioral health practice management software, utilized by thousands of providers nationwide.
630 Dresher Road Horsham 630 Dresher Road
Pennsylvania, PA 19044
+ 1-2156584550
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