Need Supply Co.

Clothes & Fashion Overall rating: 1 1 / 5 based on 2 Reviews
5 1


About Need Supply Co:-
Need Supply Co. is a clothing and lifestyle store based out of Richmond, VA. We started selling vintage Levi's in 1996 but have since expanded our offerings to include men's and women's clothing and accessories. In 2008 we launched our web store and have been shipping worldwide ever since. Our home office houses our retail store front and everything from design and branding to online sales. We truly believe in the products we carry, carefully curating a mix of well-known brands and up-and-coming independent designers from the US and abroad.
3100 West Cary Street Richmond, Virginia
Richmond, VA 23221
+ -8042562987
Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat 11:00 - 19:00
Sun 11:00 - 18:00

Customer Reviews of Need Supply Co.

April 26, 2020

Please stay away from this company, please. I purchased a pair of chuck Taylors from them, which was half a size big. The person who I purchased it for did not even try it because he was abroad, just asked me on the phone to change it for a smaller size, which I did. I sent the shoes in its original box, in untouched pristine condition, and waited for my refund. Instead, this company sent the shoes back to me stating that they could not honor the return, because it is not in original box and not in unused condition. This is pure lie and dishonesty. I wish I could post the pictures of the shoes in its original box, even the original tie of the laces are not touched. They will tell every lie to you not to honor the return of their own merchandise, even if you have already purchased the correct size from them. They should not be in this business at all. I wish there were an option for 0 stars or negative stars.

April 26, 2020

Please stay away from this company, please. I purchased a pair of chuck Taylors from them, which was half a size big. The person who I purchased it for did not even try it because he was abroad, just asked me on the phone to change it for a smaller size, which I did. I sent the shoes in its original box, in untouched pristine condition, and waited for my refund. Instead, this company sent the shoes back to me stating that they could not honor the return, because it is not in original box and not in unused condition. This is pure lie and dishonesty. I wish I could post the pictures of the shoes in its original box, even the original tie of the laces are not touched. They will tell every lie to you not to honor the return of their own merchandise, even if you have already purchased the correct size from them. They should not be in this business at all. I wish there were an option for 0 stars or negative stars.

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