Hamilton Stone Design LTD

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Experts in the design, project management, and installation of high quality kitchens
We have amassed over 30 years of experience designing kitchens for all types of homes in all styles you could imagine. We do this the same way as we always have. We simply listen, plan, advise, and collaborate with you.

Why choose Hamilton Stone Design
Our belief is that the Kitchen is the heart of the home.
To us the kitchen of today serves many purposes often acting as the main family living space, a play area, informal dining room and home office in a single day.

We know no kitchen is the same. It is why we always start from scratch to craft out the space in the way you want it. Be it the taps on the sink, or the finish on the cabinets, we work with you to make sure you have the kitchen space that suits your home and lifestyle.
Lindfield, West Sussex, RH16 2HN
San Francisco, CA RH17 7RE
+ 1-444471133
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Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri 09:00 - 17:00

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