35 South Marina

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35 South Marina offers excellent deep water marina berth. We are located so that you can stay close to beaches, shops, restaurants and cruise ship terminals, and we ensure you are entirely protected from swell and winds. All our marina berths are highly equipped and are suitable for multihulls and monohulls. In addition, we conducted various Haven marina Adelaide activities for our clients, such as stand-up paddle, sailing, hiking, dolphin watching and many more. The marina berth fees at 35 south Marina are very reasonable and come with several discounts for annual and quarterly berthing. Our berths have the latest luxurious amenities, a customer lounge, and the most exciting thing is the BBQ area. Lastly, we also have abundant, secure parking near the marina berths.
23 Alexa Rd, North Haven SA 5018, Australia
San Francisco, CA 5018
+ 44-0447221841
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