AV Consumables

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AV Consumables is a leading provider of industrial packaging, shipping supplies and consumable materials such as Edta Tubes, Glucose Fluoride Tubes, Lithium Heparin, Plain, Ria Vial, Serum Clot Activator, Socium Citrate, Clot Activator Gel Tubes, Urine Container etc. We specialize in providing our customers with high quality products that are built to last at competitive prices. Our team of professionals have years of experience in the industry and understand what it takes to keep businesses running effectively and efficiently. With an extensive inventory covering all facets from shipping tapes, packing papers, air bags & bubble wraps - we offer whatever you need for safe transit of your goods. From standard size containers or customized solutions; AV Consumables can meet any requirement with ease!
3, Venunad, Opp. White House, Panchwati, Ahmedabad - 380006, Gujarat, India
San Francisco, CA 380006
+ -9824091105
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Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat 10:00 - 19:00

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