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About Jedco
JEDCO Supply is an HVAC supply company owned and operated by Jack Alexander, Erik Olds & Drew Coffman (hence the JED in JEDCO). It is by design that our own names are reflected in the company name as we have always stood behind our work, our products and our services. We also believe that you should know exactly with whom you are dealing with when you put your trust (and your money) into any company or internet purchase. When you deal with JEDCO you will not have to put your faith into an anonymous internet company that makes it difficult to contact them, has lengthy and vague policies, and does not communicate with you throughout the order process. We make customer service a priority and it is the foundation upon which our company is built.

While our company is new, we accumulated over 50 years of combined industry experience amongst us as we grew what was initially a small supply house in Atlanta, GA, into one of the premier distributors of registers and grilles. This means that we have specialized knowledge that you will not find elsewhere. We will be able to assist you in ways that no other vendor can. We have always told our customers that when it comes to a/c vents, don’t say that it can’t be found or it can’t be done until they call us first! We have built relationships with more vendors in the industry so that we are able to assist on special orders and custom applications that others can’t.

JEDCO Supply is our realization of what is possible when you combine the largest selection of in stock inventory available anywhere, superior industry knowledge and contacts, and top tier customer service.

It is our pledge to you, our customer, to always act with integrity and to be accountable in all that we do both as individuals and as a company. We always seek to build long term relationships, and that philosophy is the basis for how we have chosen to run our company. We look forward to serving you.
1105 Satellite Blvd Ste 300 Suwanee, GA
Suwanee, GA 30024
+ -8008131849
Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri 07:30 - 17:00

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We want to be transparent, which is why we display information about companies on WOWPilot that we feel is relevant for people reading reviews. This includes how each company is using our platform.
On each company profile, we show how the company is using WOWPilot.
This is indicated by one of three different labels:

Claimed: The company has claimed their profile on WOWPilot but has not verified.

Verified: The company has verified their Business Page .

How To Get The Business Verified?
Send us an Email From the Business Email(For eg. [email protected]) with the Account With Us so that we can verify the Business and The users gets to submi the valuabe feedback which will also increase the authenticity of your business online. Send The Email to [email protected]
Once approved,We will upgrade the page to Verified and this will also unlock the option to collect reviews via email and other platforms(See Plans to Know more)